Hymnal Design

§ Introduction

1. Christian Worship Overview

A timeline and outline of topics. Note that outline of posts isn’t chronological. The dates of the timeline are more often the date that something was produced, not when it was commissioned or presented. “Selling” the imporatnce of good design to XC early on (not a whole lot of convincing). The title to the posts are “CW” but note the title wasn’t settled until much later.

Preliminary Work

Formation and drafts of Hymnal Project logo design

3. Other Early Design Work

Early design work done for the Hymnal Project (essays, templates, Path of Worship). Leave early brochure and promotional work for a later post on branding.


4. Style Guides

Research was an ongoing process throughout the project—much less by the time the final Hymnal draft was submitted, but still necessary with bits and bobs at the end. The need for a bespoke corpus style guide that caters to the unique elements of the hymnal corpus while honoring the NPH in-house style guide.

5. Survey and Analysis of Lutheran and contemporary hymnals

Summary of our large document of analysis.

6. Surveys of Fonts and Design

Test congregations with bulletin design and font samples.

Corpus Design

7. Hymnal Prototypes

Early formation of the hymnal leading up to the actual production drafts. We knew that locking in the design of the hymnal would make like easier in designing the other books.

8. Lectionary Layout

The first page elements to be fully designed. Mostly on account of the SC’s push to test the new lectionary.

9. Rites

Scripture references, responses, etc. (Leave rubrics for their own post)

10. Psalms

Focusing on psalm pointing, verse numbers, small cap letters, location of psalms, etc.

11. Hymns

Titles, numbers, source text, Scripture references, etc.

12. Accompaniment Books

Survey results on what people wanted, format of the books, thoughts on number of volumes, etc.

13. Other Printed Books

The Altar Book, Agenda, Manuals, etc.

14. Handbook

The website Handbook

15. Rubrics

Overview, function (Instructional, Guiding, Optional Text), and rules. Save the choice of red color for a later post.

16. Custom Fonts

Cross, Meta Finale, Clefs, etc.

17. Cover Design

All of the stages of cover and spine design with and without the final logo. Perhaps note NPH’s preference to have the NPH logo on the spine (like LSB) and why we pushed back against that.

18. Colors

Focused more on the choice of red vs. blues used for the brand. What other hymnals use for their red and why it took so long before the final color was settled (how it looks on specific paper stock).


19. Early Work and Messaging

The formation of the ad-hoc committee for the brand to aid with marketing and HIP. Documents that helped form the messaging of the brand.

20. Visual Identity

Early work such as brochures and concept images. Using the art as the main images of the brand (vs. stock images)


21. Digital Hymnal Design

Design of apps/digital hymnals (mostly researched by CB). Early concepts of interactive ebook and also later text-only concept.

22. Projection and Slides

CB’s white paper, presentation, and overal philosophy of the TC regarding projection.

23. Christian Worship Style Guide

Modification of NPH’s in-house style guide that applied to the unique variables and elements of the hymnal corpus.

24. Post Mortem

How the design committee was embedded in the Hymnal Project (within TC, could be stand-alone or within CC, but worked well within TC). What could be improved upon (unique situation with down-sizing of NPH design staff, the need for content to be mostly settled before final designs are presented, etc.)